Splek (comments)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 33 comments
They do sound quite interesting but...no I don't really
like Super Mario. =P
Thank you for the comment on
the forum welcoming thingie. =D
oOo very lucky. i have Windows Vista something-or-other that i share with my mom dad and sis :( it sucks. will you name your friend?
yeah. there is a total of what, 4 posts? :D you should say something about it on here.... is there a section to put it in? i dont know...
so your starting a new site?
well... people will probley pick on you/it but some people might join. ill check it out
well, good luck with that.
i guess it is really nice compared to that. i like cb because someone is always active. it could be 4 in the morning and there will be someone on. what kills me is the small forum sites where there are like 3 people and no one is ever on together. i was on a few of those before i found cb :( never again will i do that
why do you want to be a OM so bad?
....... so you want him to think your retarded?
naw, im good :D
IM AN OFFICIAL MEMBER! finaly :D im happy.
ahh yeah, i found it. lmao. very funny :D make a topic 'splek vs steven' and make a poll and see who wins :D those are always fun
hmm splek vs steven. who will win? :D
was he calling me a loser?
haha, i saw when you called steven your buddy, he didnt reply
you got to watch out bashing him back, you can get suspended for it. that and spamming.
ive been at my grandpa's cottages, and we didn't bring the pc.
aww, poor Spleky :D everyone gets bashed at some point in their CB life. its natural. you got to stick it out. Tung was the one who was bashing me and stuff. still does when he feels like it. i really really really dislike him, but whatever. it could be worse than just being called a faggot and a loser.
HEY! is Steven calling me a loser too!? :mad:
that would be better.
is it set to privet? i'll check. you sure are a freak about south park arnt you?
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